Balcony and terrace eaves profile R36


Color variants

We supply profiles as standard in three color variants, we will process other colors from the RAL palette on request

The profile is treated with yellow chrome and Komaxit paint is applied


The R36 profile is made of high-quality aluminium covered by polyester, providing perfect resistance to corrosion and weathering. It is intended to complete the edge of terraces, balconies and stair treads from a double-ventilated floor when using thick layers of ceramic, stone or concrete with primers or SMART. Recommended for this type of floor PVC membrane, EPDM or suitable mastics. A unique design of the R36 profile using the PVC35 belt with flange for the sealing of the insulation profile. The profile has drainage holes with a unique system. Further drainage of the insulation through the excess flow holes in the impassable way of the main drainage channels. The R36 profile allows the installation of GR50 to be installed.


  • effective water drainage from the floor
  • corrosion and weather resistance
  • tightness in eaves areas
  • comprehensive solution ensuring a simple and quick assembly
  • aesthetic appearance
  • system downpipe mounting

Surface type

Cement subfloors, other substrates having sufficient stiffness and firmness.


Folding or tape measure, mechanical or hand saw suitable for cutting aluminum, knife, mixer or low-speed electric drill, basket mixer, leveling spoon stainless steel brush, spatula or trowel. It is not acceptable that the tool profile caused thermal shock (sudden increase in temperature), e.g. an angle grinder.

Related products


Corner OC 36/90 (90° or 135°)

We produce corners as standard at angles of 90° and 135° (internal and external), others to order


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SMART Plus Terrace pad

Basic information


Aluminum alloy

Surface finish

Yellow chrome with subsequent comaxitation


5 years


2 metres


Balcony and terrace systems with glue floor